6Ah4 Amp

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 28, 2006 at 17:58:13:

Well; I don't know who cares about this old tube but I am now in the process of gathering parts for a SE amp built from this tube.
Before i ramble on with this I'll state that I was following Damir's project on the group build section where he has built a 300B SE amp. His project looks to be probably about as good a design as is possible to make. Someday I would love to explore that opportunity but right now the over 1K$ in parts alone is just not happening.
So in perusing the web I came across a very simple and nicely done amp using the 6AH4 as a power tube and the 5755 as a driver with a 6X4 rec tube. The voltages are manageable and the parts count is low and a couple people have expressed delight in the sound of this amp.
The 5755's were 4$ each. The 6Ah4's were 8.50$ each and the 6X4 was 9$.
It uses a 7kp output trans and a 500v ct power trans along with a 10H filter choke. I have the choke from Hammond and the power trans is a 372x. I just need some advice on what output trans to use; prefferably something that can be re-used for a better amp someday if needed.
I bought a Hammond chassis and am using the Ratshack 100K pot. The rest of the parts are pretty cheap; I think I can do this for under 400$.
Just thought I'd post on this since there hasn't been much activity on the SE forum lately.
I am building this to run with my little Ion BS 1's SD speaks with a tweeter that comes in at about 8k.


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