Re: 6Ah4 Amp

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 17, 2006 at 15:24:00:

In Reply to: Re: 6Ah4 Amp posted by 2wo on July 05, 2006 at 18:25:23:

I have a couple 6Bm8 circuits from Svetlana. I have no way of knowing how anything other than what I have heard will sound; thats why I picked a cheap tube; the 6h4a. I look at it like this; the transformers are interchangeable; most of the passive parts are useable and the chassis are useable; so whats the risk in trying?
See I have heard lots of amps and they all sound different and they all sound good in the right situation. So I am intyerested when someone describes a good sound with a particular type of system.
I figure the one watt would work with the 96 db monitors and have a 7K primary on the OPT that I could use with another SE design. What do you think?


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