Re: Help with '45' problem?

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Posted by spkrman57 [ ] on August 19, 2005 at 07:36:33:

In Reply to: Help with '45' problem? posted by Bill Epstein on August 18, 2005 at 04:29:53:


2 watts is not much for 94db speakers, what decibel levels are you hitting(spl meter). I have a pair of JBL 4800 (10" 3-way/91db) that when I play on my 45 SET amp will sound just loud enough to hear, but on a pair of Edgarhorns(105db) will run you out of the room.

I wonder if the output of the cd player is a difficult impedance for the 45 amps to take????

Bring them to my house this saturday and lets check it out. What about the 300B amps, does this situation also occur?



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