Help with '45' problem?

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Posted by Bill Epstein [ ] on August 18, 2005 at 04:29:53:

The DRD 45 sounds fine with FM Tuner and Fono. With CD it develops a fuzzy then raspy distortion that increases as the volume gets turned up.
Same in both mono-blocks.
Present with pre-amp and without.
Can't drive them hard enough with Fono to tell but don't think so.
97 dB speakers are really about 94 as they are 16 ohm.
Changed the IC's: no difference.
Changed the 45 tubes: no difference.
6N1P drivers (Sovtek) are new.
5AR4's are NOS Bugle Boys.
CD has the highest output of the 3 sources followed closely by the Tuner. I can't hear it on the Tuner so can it simply be clipping?
Some weird digital mis-match?


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