Re: Thanks- question about D1 current

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Posted by Damir [ ] on January 30, 2006 at 07:43:21:

In Reply to: Thanks- question about D1 current posted by Shane on January 29, 2006 at 22:57:59:

Basically, C-input PS has a disadvantage that charging current "on the capacitor" is in the form of sharp peaks, with peak value many times the load current. This current flows through D1 & T1, you can see it graphically if you look on the little time segment, for example see the link. Choke input filter has much better "behaviour", it "draws" more or less constant current.
Our example (small, 1,5µF cap input) is something in between, "almost" L-input, with small charging current peaks.
To be on the safe side, and have some "room" for experiments - use the 275-0-275V PT with 160mArms current capacity. For "pure" L-input Itr~Iload.


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