Re: Looking for good 20 watt amp design to drive Jordan TL's?

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Posted by Norris Wilson [ ] on October 11, 2005 at 11:02:08:

In Reply to: Re: Looking for good 20 watt amp design to drive Jordan TL's? posted by Wayne Parham on October 11, 2005 at 03:26:47:

Hi Wayne,

How is life going in the world of Pi?

I want to thank you for the kind offer of hooking up your Audio Note 2 SET to my friends Jordan speakers.

My friend Mike, who lives in Seattle and I have discussed the Audio Note 2 SET as an option.
But, he feels that the 12 watts is not enough to drive the Jordan transmission line speakers. He feels since the Jordan's bottom frequency response goes down to 45 Hz and is 88db efficienct at 8 ohms, that it will not have enough authority since he likes to listen to classical music.
Also, since he lives in Seattle, it would be diffacult to hook up the amplifier with out a dangerous jouney across our land at the hands of the delivery wrecking crew.

I for one, am not convinced that 12 watts would not be enough power to drive his speakers well. Obviously, a 5" full range driver is not the best choice to play classical through in the first place, possibly at lower listening levels though. I think that is why he feels 20 watts should be at the lower end of the amplifiers output capability.

His thinking is some what stuck in the direction of a triode based SET amplifier to obtain the last degee of musical purity.
I again, am open to any suggestions that would get us there, triode, pentode, SET, or push pull, I'm open.

I have been trying to get my friend to build the 7591A version of Poindexter's Musical Machine with some Sansui 1000A output transformers, but he is not ready to do so at this time.

Thanks again and I hope someone can chime in with other DIY amplifier designs and suggestions.



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