Re: 45 SE

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Posted by John Chleapas [ ] on June 19, 2005 at 21:27:03:

In Reply to: Re: 45 SE posted by akhilesh on June 19, 2005 at 18:07:31:

Hi Akhilesh, I was looking at one time to trade my JBL L300 Summit speakers for a pair of much older Klipschorns. I heard these once. Many diss the mighty Klipschorn, but not me. They make some good sounding music, period. No speaker is ever perfect. I think the crossovers are the weakest link on these. Your triamplifying yours must make a big difference. Paul Klipsch made some outstanding speaker designs. When was the Klipschorn designed back in the late 1940's, or early 1950's? He is spinning in his grave at some of the consumer grade crappy speakers Klipsch is now selling after his recent death. I am speaking of the Best Buy grade of Klipsch. They recently eliminated one of my favorite's in the Cornwall. No doubt it was done by the bean counters sadly. I bet if you beefed up the power supply in your 45 amp the bass just might come alive for you. As for my speakers the jbl cinema series are sleepers. Not too many are using them for home audio. This is too bad because they are a great sounding pair of speakers. They are a real bargain when compared side by side with boutique audio speakers. John C.


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