Re: expansions

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Posted by TubeCraft [ ] on February 16, 2005 at 13:44:11:

In Reply to: expansions posted by Tnuctipun on February 16, 2005 at 11:09:18:

Douglas you're absolutely right about shared experience and observation being very useful and educational - but that can't replace direct experience and experimentation.

I only brought up the "big caps" problem because it's a common prejudice among DIY folks, along with "transformers are bad," or "pentodes are bad" or whatever. I only agree with part of one of these: electrolytics sound bad in a power supply and the sound horrible in the direct signal chain. And the PS is almost always in the signal chain.

I use a lot of motor run caps, too, and I think they sound great with a good healthy signal. In a wimpy RC circuit (say 12ax7 or 6SL7 @ 1 or 2 m.a.) not so good.



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