More on Cabinet Finishing

Okay, I think I need some help. I've made my Thermionic 3pi cabinets - cherry all the way around. I've put on three coats of tung oil and it just isn't doing what I want. I'm using pure tung oil and following the directions: first sand to 320, then oil using the palm of your hand (messy), then let it set for 15 minutes, wipe off the extra. Next time through sand to 600 grit, and oil, set, wipe..
So far after 3 coats I still get what look like dry spots and an uneven sheen. What am I doing wrong? I'd like to have a nice even gloss finish - not a mirror gloss, I like to see the grain, but uniformly shiny. Should I switch to a tung oil/varnish product? Should I let it be uneven then wax it later? Help!

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