Great Plains Audio Club Meeting - July 10

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on June 17, 2004 at 06:22:41:

You're invited to a meeting of the Great Plains Audio Club meeting, July 10th at 2:00pm at my place. We'll be having a cookout, some tunes, and good company with friends. And after the meeting, some of us with motorcycles will be taking a little ride, so you can do that too if you want. Food, friends and fun!

This month, we plan to compare the Stoetkit with various other entry level tube amps. We'll compare with Bottlehead Paramours for sure, and maybe a Decware Zen, possibly others. Feel free to bring your gear too and make it a show and tell, as usual.

Please write to me and RSVP. Nothing formal, just want to know how many will be attending and what will be brought. Most of you know my address already, but if not, be sure to ask.


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