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Posted by FredT [ ] on March 09, 2007 at 06:23:12:

I don't understand why some messages on other forums get so many responses they begin to take on a life of their own, while others get none or only a few and quickly fade from view. Of course this is especially true of those forums like Audio Circle where a response takes the thread back to the top of the list, but I still don't understand why some thread gets so much attention.

The thread that started with the message titled "Peomitheus Passive Preamp Anyone?" in the Circles' Audio Central forum, posted in September of last year, is up to 118 pages of responses. It has more than 30,000 views and has received 1,171 responses, keeping it on the first page of the forum almost every day! The original post said nothing different from the kinds of things any owner would say about a new acquisition.


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