Re: Here's my 9-11 conspiricacy theory - What's yours?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 12, 2006 at 07:39:43:

In Reply to: Re: Here's my 9-11 conspiricacy theory - What's yours? posted by wunhuanglo on September 11, 2006 at 16:50:55:

Yes absolutely regarding the PNAC; I spelled it out for those who aren't aware of what that mean't.
Historically it doesn't take a really long time to reverse a failed presidency. Look at Carter; after his disaster within two years the country was back on path and Bush senior; Clinton had us back in the saddle in two years.
Nixon was a little more difficult; with his wage and price controls and the undermining of the trust in government we took a long time; some say ten yrs to recuperate from his mess.
It all depends on how he conducts the last two years. He could fire that incompetent Rummy and gain back some trust from the rest of the world; he could start to engage some normal advisors and put that Darth Vader Cheney on the back-burner. Condi is just totally ineffectual but not real damaging to us.
If the Congress does well in the mid-terms and some moderate voices are elected from either party we may have a chance.


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