Re: Curious about listing components

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 01, 2006 at 15:24:28:

In Reply to: Re: Curious about listing components posted by Bill Martinelli on September 01, 2006 at 14:38:50:

Oh I see believe me; maybe the shoot-out thing is misrepresented. I like the thought of finding a set-up then plugging in a different amp or pre-amp blah blah and seeing who likes or don't like. Not neccessarily to determine the best or whatever. Since we both know there is no best.
Maybe shoot-out is a bad term. How about "Test run" or something?
This brings up a thought. I have absolute confidence in my ability to hear things and know what sounds good. No one is ever going to convince me one way or another about sound based on some design paradigm; I know when something sounds good and when it don't; don't you?
Thats why I can't understand all the confusion about advertising. After ten or thirty years listening to music through stereo's you would have to be daft to even entertain the thought of someone telling you what sounds good or don't. How can a person be manipulated?


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