UN Draft resolution 1701

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 23, 2006 at 19:21:11:

This gives the UN the right to deploy 15,000 troops along the Lebanese Israeli border and the right to act premptively to protect civilian lives. So now we have three armies lined up on the border with orders to actively engage hostiles with return fire. Interesting.
This looks like a possible run-up to a similar situation in Iraq. The UN could deploy a significant force as a buffer between the four hostile armies presently engaged. The US/Sunnis militants/Shiite militants and The Kurdish Militia. But then they would have the authority to fire on our troops when they catch us destroying civilian targets.
Interesting; maybe a solution to this intractable problem. I mean soon there won't be any civilians left at the rate we and the militants are killing them.
A reasonable person must admitt this can't go on forever. There was just another call-up of reservists for the Marine battalions in the south; supposedly the "safe" zone. The Back Door draft. Boy are those guys sorry they enlisted. Six months left in an eight year tour and wham; back in the saddle. We are now increasing troop strength in Iraq; I guess to calm things down for the elections in November.


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